The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), in particular the Trademark Office, is one of the most well-respected trademark examining agencies in the world. The Trademark Office is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce and it is charged with examining and registering trademarks. It serves the interests of entrepreneurs and businesses with respect to their businesses, corporate products, and service identifications. It also advises and assists the President of the United States, the Secretary of Commerce, the bureaus and offices of the Department of Commerce, and other agencies of the government in matters involving all domestic and global aspects of “intellectual property.” Through the preservation, classification, and dissemination of patent information, the Trademark Office promotes the industrial and technological progress of the nation and strengthens the economy.
In particular, the Trademark Office examines applications for trademark registration. If approved, the trademarks are registered on either the Principal Register or Supplmeental Register, depending upon whether the mark meets the appropriate distinctiveness criteria. This federal system governs goods and services distributed via interstate commerce, and operates alongside state level trademark registration systems.